Art of Tea - Tea of the Month

Tau puts Vaal on the map

SHARPEVILLE. – Mpho Tau, a local modeling coach who is also the founder of Royal Talent Academy (RTA) has been nominated for the Founder of the Year Awards Africa (FOYA Southern Africa).

The awards exist to recognise and appreciate young founders contributing to the development of the African Continent through sustainable jobs via entrepreneurship, and inspiring to start their own businesses.

After Running in Kenya for four years, the FOYA awards have expanded into Uganda, Tanzania, and Rwanda. The FOYA awards also marked a milestone in 2021 as they expanded to Nigeria, Ghana, and South Africa. About the nomination, Tau said that it came as a surprise as he received an email that explained about the awards and also about the nomination, he was then asked to send his and the company’s profile.

“I am honoured and mostly humble to receive such recognition. I appreciate the people I have worked with as this nomination belongs to all of us, they know it has never been easy but we are striving to put VAAL on the map.”

Tau said that RTA is a registered Non-Profit Organisation(NPO) that aims to enhance the talent portrayed by the youth from the vicinity and confer guidance to those who are interested in various activities, especially those that have never been explored or exposed to or by the youth.

“We are also looking to provide opportunities and platforms that would allow youth to enhance their potential.”

Since 2022 RTA has been hosting Miss Sharpeville and Miss Royal Talent Academy pageants and modelling classes with the hope of giving youth an opportunity to learn and showcase their talents. They have also been managing some models and trying to expose them to ‘bigger fishes’ in the modeling industry.

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