Nigerian digital freight forwarder SEND plans Kenya, Uganda, South Africa expansion

Oti aims to enter Kenya and Uganda in the third quarter and South Africa in the fourth, with a physical presence being established in all the new countries. The countries offer the largest markets in their regions, he says, with east Africa set to provide the company with more export business in agro-commodities such as tea, coffee and flowers. Oti is in discussions with a local partner for the east African operations, and also wants a partner on the ground in South Africa.

Large logistics companies have historically been too expensive for many African companies to use, but new digital logistics companies are bringing services within reach. SEND, launched in 2020, manages cargo-shipping processes from point of origin to final destination, including customs clearance, warehousing and trucking. The system allows clients to track their cargo in real time. Sea freight accounts for 80% to 85%

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