Legal Name of Business: 247VoIP Services, LLC

Address of Company: 130 E. Voris St. Akron, OH 44311

Telephone: (844) 247-8647



Date of Incorporation, Registration Number: 01/09/2015, 201500900933


Name of Business Owner: Melvin Ejiogu


What is the Nature of the business?

Voice over IP (VoIP) telephony. We provide business phone systems and services to SMBs.

What initially got you started in your business?

We were already providing VoIP solutions for customers under our partner company VeeMost Technologies before we decided to separate VoIP services from IT services VeeMost provides. The VoIP telephony market has great potentials.

What is the operating Philosophy that the business has been built on?

Our clients must be able to access the full capabilities of VoIP technology at the most efficient cost possible.

What is the Vision and Mission of the business?

To gain more market in the SMB phone service industry and to provide not only reliable but affordable phone services to clients.

Provide The following financial details of the business

  1. Sales in the First year $ 600,000
  2. Sales in the Current Year $600,000
  3. Sales Forecast for next year $800,000
  4. Net worth of assets $1.2M



Provide names of clients of the business:

Trinity High School, Monroe Urgent Care, Howell Urgent Care, Quest Medical Imaging, Diversified Services Corporation, EZ Electric Motors, Agwu Attorney at Law, Veemost Technologies, SAF Inc.

What products and services are being offered by the business?

Hosted PBX & VoIP, On-premise PBX phone solutions, SIP Trunking, and IP phones.

What Is the role and specialization of the owner(s):

Melvin Ejiogu is the President. His specialty is Information Technology. Ike Samson-Akpan Sr. is the Vice President. His specialty is Construction.

Please describe the organisational Structure of the company:

President > Vice President > Directors > Engineers.

What are the strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and threats for the business?

We make business personal and we invest time in knowing our clients’ backgrounds and understanding their needs. We are still a small and growing business and so do not have the popularity of the bigger players.

The VoIP market in the USA is largely untapped. The opportunities are significant. The larger players are always poised to capture a significant share of the market.


How have your methods for doing business, or the products or services you market changed since the inception of the business?

They have not changed much.  If given the opportunity, what would you do to improve your product or service and what impact would that have on customers? We have not gotten to this point yet.

Where do you see your business in five years?

We would be servicing larger businesses and in significant numbers.

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