Africa: Eurochocolate in Perugia, a conference on a sustainable cocoa supply chain


What is the price of sustainable cocoa for everyone? We will try to answer this question on October 19th in Perugia, on the occasion of a conference organized as part of Eurochocolate which will focus on some African countries, Ghana and Ivory Coast in particular, which are among the main producers world markets for this commodity. The topic will be addressed by Michele Nardella, director of the Economic and Statistics division of the International Cocoa Organization (Icco).

How is the price of cocoa established and where do multinationals buy it? How much would chocolate cost us if the cocoa market was sustainable for producers? A snapshot of the market will be given by the International Cocoa Organization, the most important world organization for cocoa, which groups together 28 countries, of which 10 exporters and 18 importers and which represents 75% of world cocoa production and approximately 60% of consumption. Icco’s mandate is to promote a sustainable cocoa economy and keep production prices acceptable: objectives that often see the interests of producing countries and those of importers conflicting. [Da Redazione InfoAfrica]

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