Africa: Adesina, food insecurity on the continent will end within five years


The African Development Bank (Afdb) has announced that it has programs in over 30 African countries that have helped produce food worth around 12 billion dollars. Speaking to the Reuters agency, AfDB president Akiwumi Adesina said that the target of 25 billion dollars set by the Bank itself was “well on track” to be achieved.

“As far as I’m concerned, we shouldn’t be talking about food security in Africa for more than five years,” Adesina said. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, one of the world‘s largest grain exporters, has shaken global grain markets, threatening food supplies for some of the most fragile nations. Furthermore, the emergence of the El Niño weather phenomenon and the breakdown of an agreement for the transportation of Ukrainian food across the Black Sea have worsened the global food security picture.

AfDB says undernutrition and stunting affect 216 million children in Africa and that poor nutrition is linked to almost half of child deaths on the continent. The economic cost of poor nutrition amounts to 11% of Africa’s gross domestic product.

Speaking on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly meetings in New York last week, Adesina announced the adoption of special agro-industrial processing zones, which could expand from eight to 35 states in Nigeria alone. These areas are rural areas subject to infrastructure investments that allow food and agribusiness companies to relocate. [Da Redazione InfoAfrica]

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