18 Jobs In Africa That Pay Women More Than Men

Women — if you’re waiting for the wage gap to close any time soon, don’t holdYOUR breath.

Yes, the gap is getting smaller. But very, very slowly, CNNMoney reports.

In the U.S., the U.S. Census tracks earnings for men and women working full time in hundreds of occupations from chief executives to farmers.

Across the board, women in the U.S.EARN 78.8 cents for every $1 earned by men, the Census found. In fields where men outearn women, the margin is often quite large. U.S. women face the biggest pay gap of all in farming, where they earn just 60.7 cents for every $1 earned by their male counterparts, CBS reports.

The World Economic Forum asked CEOs around the world about salaries of their employees. Here’s what they found.

Italy and Israel are at the top of the list of countries that offer the most equalOPPORTUNITIES for women. But a woman earned only 48 percent of a man’s salary in Italy and 47 percent in Israel.

Some of the world’s poorest countries are leaders in equality rankings. Burundi, where four out of five people live below the poverty line, ranked No. 1 for economic opportunity and participation, and women’s health and survival. Women in Burundi earn 83 percent of what men earn in the same jobs.

Lesotho is one of only four countries in the world — and the only one in Africa — with more female legislators, senior officials andMANAGERS than male. Rwanda is the only country with more female parliamentarians — women hold 64 seats in its 100-seat parliament.

There’s no country in the world where women and men earn equal pay for equalWORK. It will take at least 81 years for the gender gap to close, according to the World Economic Forum, CNNMoney reports.

But there are a few individual professions in a handful of African countries where women have the chance toEARN MORE than their male colleagues. Just five African countries out of 54 show up on a list at SalaryExplorer.com as even having any jobs where women outearn men.

South Africa topped the list for the country with the most job titles that pay women more than men on Salary Explorer. Of course this only means that the data is forthcoming from South Africa on this particular website. South Africa has 60 job titles that pay women more than men, according to Salary Explorer. For the sake of perspective, the U.K. and U.S. combined have 87 job titles that pay women more than men on the same list.

Salary Explorer provides average salary comparison and career resources for employees and employers. Information is submitted by users and also gathered from agencies,COMPANIES and employers. Salary Explorer says it blends this information using statistical formulas to generate “as accurate results as possible.”

Here are someJOBS IN Africa that pay women more than men.

Photo: Godong/UIG? Getty

Egypt: Accountant

Average yearly salary: 50,217EGP ($6,580.75 US)
Average male salary: 49,116EGP ($6,436.46)
Average female salary: 63,800 EGP ($8,360)



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Egypt: Human Resources Manager

Average yearly salary: 122,921 EGP ($16,108.33 US)
Average male salary: 106,375 EGP ($13,940.04)
Average female salary: 151,286 EGP ($19,825.45)


import exports egypt Photo: Kristian Helgesen/Getty

Egypt, Import-Export Manager

Average yearly salary: 84,982 EGP ($11,136.56 US)
Average male salary: 76,000 EGP ($9,959.51)
Average female salary: 88,350 EGP ($11,577.93)



Kenya: Accounting Assistant

Average yearly salary: 483,135 KES ($4,903.40 US)
Average male salary: 341,500 KES ($3,465.92)
Average female salary: 687,720 KES ($6,979.76)


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Kenya: Human Resources Officer

Average yearly salary: 635,000 KES ($6,444.69)
Average male salary: 514,000 KES ($5,216.65)
Average female salary: 687,720 KES ($6,985.96)


Muslim bank employee Photo by: BSIP/UIG/Getty

Kenya: Financial accountant

Average yearly salary: 839,811KES ($8,523.35 US)
Average male salary: 738,960 KES ($7,499.80)
Average female salary: 1,091,940 KES ($11,082.24)



Kenya: Marketing manager

Average yearly salary: 2,619,000 KES ($26,580.57)
Average male salary: 1,320,000 KES ($13,396.85)
Average female salary: 3,398,400 KES ($34,490.80)



Kenya: IT support

Average yearly salary: 523,200 KES ($5,310.02 US)
Average male salary: 312,000 KES ($3,166.5)
Average female salary: 840,000 KES ($8,525.26)



Kenya: Project manager

Average yearly salary: 2,201,333KES ($22,341.61 US)
Average male salary: 2,018,000 KES ($20,480.94)
Average female salary: 2,568,000 KES ($26,062.96)



Mauritius: Accounting assistant

Average yearly salary: 295,800 MUR ($8,444.20 US)
Average male salary: 294,000 MUR ($8,392.82)
Average female salary: 297,600 MUR ($8,495.59)


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Namibia, Accountant

Average yearly salary: 291,750NAD ($24,114.06 US)
Average male salary: 154,500 NAD ($12,769.91)
Average female salary: 429,000 NAD ($35,458.21)


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South Africa: Accountant

Average yearly salary: 284,986ZAR ($23,545.94 US)
Average male salary: 269,489 ZAR ($22,262.71)
Average female salary: 298,639 ZAR ($24,673.07)


Phedisong clinic.        Photo: Stephane de Sakutin, AFP/Getty

South Africa: Chemist

Average yearly salary: 411,771 ZAR ($34,019.85)
Average male salary: 317,280 ZAR ($26,205.78)
Average female salary: 648,000 ZAR ($53,521.6)


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South Africa: Human resources officer

Average yearly salary: 203,012 ZAR ($16,768.56)
Average male salary: 169,714 ZAR ($14,012.46)
Average female salary: 226,320 ZAR ($18,694.78)


Workers at Skukuza, Kruger National Park. Photo: Meißner/ullstein bild/Getty

South Africa: Cleaner, housekeeper

Average yearly salary: 40,140 ZAR ($3,315.69)
Average male salary: 28,980 ZAR ($2,393.59)
Average female salary: 51,300 ZAR ($4,237.13)



South Africa: Videographer

Average yearly salary: 127,920ZAR ($10,565.52 US)
Average male salary: 116,000 ZAR ($9,580.99)
Average female salary: 145,800 ZAR ($12,043.56)


Vodacom  headquarters, Johannesburg. Photo: Dean Hutton/Getty

South Africa: Security specialist, IT

Average yearly salary: 344,126ZAR ($28,425.95 US)
Average male salary: 342,920 ZAR ($28,323.52)
Average female salary: 345,332 ZAR ($28,525.57)


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South Africa: Risk analyst, banking

Average yearly salary: 545,750ZAR ($45,080.76)
Average male salary: 298,000 ZAR ($24,602.37)
Average female salary: 694,400 ZAR ($57,364.96)

Source: AFK Insider

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