Paystack To Focus On Expansion Into North Africa and Francophone Africa And Strengthening Existing Markets

He adds, “Understanding that it takes more than an API call to build a successful tech startup, we launched Paystack Catalyst – a suite of high-growth tools and resources to help tech startups in Africa scale. We partnered with companies like Stripe, Intercom, and Amazon Web Services (AWS), to offer the Paystack Startup Bundle, which includes discounts on best-in-class tools that startups use in their daily operations. Startups can access perks like $25,000 in free Paystack processing, $25,000 in AWS Activate Credits, 100% off their first year on Intercom, and more to help cut operating costs.”

Showcasing the success stories of African merchants benefiting from Paystack’s services, Bronkowski shares case studies highlighting how Paystack has positively impacted a variety of businesses, from e-commerce platforms like The Local Edit and healthtech, mPharma to financial services like PiggyVest and the implementation of custom solutions for companies like Burger King and UPS Nigeria.

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