Platform recognises Smart Codes on tech

By The Citizen Reporter @TheCitizenTZ

Dar es Salaam. Smart Codes Tanzania has been named on Inspire Africa news platform as among the companies that spearhead technological revolution in Africa, mainly providing digital contents.

Inspire Africa is network that delivers stories of major players in Africa who establish the continent’s development, each in their area of expertise. Smart Codes CEO Edwin Bruno said since the company launch four years ago, it had continued to make significant strides filling the gap of the growing demand for digital content in Tanzania and the African region at large.

“We are proud of bringing Tanzania to the same plate with countries leading in tech in Africa which include Nigeria, Ghana, Burkina Faso, Kenya, Botswana, South Africa and now Tanzania, where we are based,” he said.

“With M-paper and Smart lab championing Smart codes innovation products among others, we remain passionate about the impact.”

He said that they want to create value that touches and improves people’s lives, opening up, growing and disrupting Africa’s services market which will certainly transform millions of lives on the continent.

He added that they are elated to be part of the Tech revolution in Africa, and remain committed to developing Tech and changing the innovation Eco system within and beyond the Tanzanian borders.

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