Here Are the Best Countries to Live in and Do Business in as classified by the Think-Think “Legatum Institute”

For anyone who needs to be guided, for any African American citizen who wants to have links with Mother Land Mama Africa Continent, the land of humanity ancestors, for any african american citizen who wants to repatriate in Africa or invest in a business project in Africa, it may be not easy to decide. Surely, anyone can have some friends or contacts in Africa. Sure enough anyone can have their own criterias to choose their destination but we have guidelines to share in these columns with amazing statistics, issued by AgenceEcofin

The  investigations are realized by the “Legatum Institute”, international British think tank based in London and a registered UK charity. “Legatum Institute” annually issues its reports, “Legatum prosperity index,” about management performances of 149 countries of the world.

Even for african people living at home, it is not evident for them to know how their country can be classified, regarding its performances in all fields of activities. Many could feel surprised by the classifications. Let’s read carefully.

Named « Africa Prosperity Report 2016 », the investigations classified 38 african countriesaccording to their prosperity. Prosperity is a combination of economic and social wellbeing as defined by “Legatum Institute”. The criteria are the groom domestic product and eighty nineothers aspects, education, governance, health, security, economy, business opportunities, human rights, speech freedom, freedom of consciousness, tolerance for minorities.

In the 2016, June 2nd report, South Africa is the most prosperous. Botswana is the second. Morocco 3rd, Namibia 4th, Algeria 5th, Tunisie 6th, Senegal 7th, Rwanda 8th, Ghana 9th, and Burkina Faso 10th. This is the top 10 of the most prosperous african countries in 2016.

11-Kenya, 12-Benin, 13-Egypte,14-Mali, 15-Zambie,16-Niger, 17-Ouganda,              18-Cameroon, 19-Tanzanie, 20-Côte d’Ivoire, 21-Mozambique, 22-Djibouti,               23-Mauritanie, 24-Malawi, 25-Sierra Leone, 26-Nigeria, 27-Ethiopie, 28-République du Congo, 29-Zimbabwe, 30-Togo, 31-Guinée, 32-Liberia, 33-Angola, 34-Soudan, 35-RD Congo, 36-Burundi, 37-Tchad, 38-Central African Republic.

In the 2016, November 3rd world report, Mauritius Island is the most prosperous in Africa according to the world prosperity index. Mauritius Island, in a world classification is 30th, better than Italy, South Corea, Grece. In african order, South African comes after Mauritius. In world order, South Africa is 48th, Botswana 54th, Namibie 68th, Ghana 87th), Rwanda 88th, Tunisia 93th, Kenya 97th and Morocco 101rst. Senegal 106th in the world closes the african Top 10.

In the 2016, November 3rd world report, in african order 1-Maurice ( 30th in world order ) 2- Afrique du Sud ( 48th in world order ), 3-Botswana (54th ), 4-Namibie (68th ), 5-Ghana (87th ), 6-Rwanda (88th ), 7-Tunisie ( 93th ), 8-Kenya (97th ), 9-Maroc (101th ), 10-Sénégal (106th ),11-Zambie (108th ), 12-Tanzanie (109th ),13-Malawi (110th ),         14-Algérie (111th ), 15-Burkina Faso (112th ), 16-Djibouti (113th ), 17-Lesotho (115th ),18-Ouganda (116th ),19-Egypte (117th ), 20-Zimbabwe (119th ), 21-Gabon (120th ),  22-Mozambique ( 122th ), 23-Côte d’Ivoire ( 123th ), 24-Madagascar (124th ), 5-Sierra Leone (125th ), 26-Togo (126th ), 27-Cameroun (127th), 28-Benin (128th ), 29- Swaziland (129th ), 30-Congo (130th ), 31-Comores (131th), 32-Ethiopia (132th ), 33-Liberia (133th ), 34-Mali (134th ), 35-Nigeria (135th ), 36-Libya (136th ), 37-Niger (137th ),       38-Guinea (138th ), 39-Burundi (140th ), 40-Angola (141th ), 41-Mauritania (142th ), 42-Tchad (44th ), 43-RD Congo (145th ), 44-Soudan (146th ), 45-Centrafrica (147th ).

Another famous report called “Doing business ” just published its 2017 classification of the african countries which make remarkable efforts and progress in business, deep reforms in their governance system. In the african order, 1-Mauritius ( 49th in world order ), 2-Rwanda ( 56th ), 3-Morroco (68th ), 4-Bostwana ( 71th ), 5-South Africa ( 74th ), 6-Tunisia ( 77th ), 7-Kenya ( 92th ), 8-Seychelles ( 93th ), 9-Zambia ( 98th ),     10-Lesotho (100th ), 11-Ghana ( 108th ),12-Namibia ( 108th ), 13-Swaziland ( 111rst ),       14-Uganda ( 115th ), 15- Egypt ( 122nd ),     16-Cabo Verde ( 129th ), 17-Tanzania         ( 132nd ), 18-Malawi ( 133rd), 19-Mozambique ( 137th ), 20-Mali ( 141rst ), 21-Côte d’Ivoire ( 142nd ), 22-Gambia ( 145th ), 23- Burkina Faso ( 146th ), 24-Senegal   ( 147th ), 25-Sierra Leone ( 148th), 26-Niger ( 150th ), 27-Comores ( 153th ),  28-Togo ( 154th ), 29-Benin ( 155th ), 30-Algeria ( 156th ), 31-Burundi (157th ),  32-Ethiopia (159th ), 33-Mauritania ( 160th), 34-Zimbabwe ( 161rst ), 35-Guinea    (163rd ), 36-Gabon ( 164th ), 37-Cameroon ( 166th ), 38-Madagascar ( 167th ), 39- Sudan ( 168th ), 40-Nigeria ( 169th ), 41-Djibouti ( 171rst ), 42-Guinea-Bissau ( 172nd ),  43-Liberia ( 174th ), 44-Congo ( 177th ), 45-Equatorial Guinea ( 178th ), 46-TChad ( 180th ), 47-Angola ( 182nd ),  48-Congo, Dem. Rep. ( 184th ), 49-Central African Republic ( 185th ), 50-South Sudan ( 196th), 51-Libya ( 188th), 52-Eritrea ( 189th),  53-Somalia ( 190th ).

The countries with the best quality of institutions and programs as The World Bank classified in its investigations called “Country Policy and Institutional Assessment 2015/CPIA” : 1-Rwanda  (note : 4), 2-Capo Verde (note: 3,8), 3-Kenya (3,8), 4- Senegal (3,8), 5-Uganda (3,7), 6-Tanzania (3,7), 7- Burkina Faso (3,6), 8- Ghana (3,6), 9-Bénin (3,5), 10-Ethiopia (3,5), 11-Mozambique (3,5), 12-Niger (3,5), 13-Mali (3,4), 14-Nigeria (3,4), 15-Côte d’Ivoire (3,3), 16-Lesotho (3,3), 17-Mauritania (3,3), 18-Sierra Leone (3,3), 19-Zambia (3,3),  20-Malawi (3,2), 21-Burundi (3,1), 22-Cameroon (3,1), 23-Guinea (3,1), 24-Liberia (3,1),   25-Madagascar (3,1), 26-São Tome et Principe (3,1), 27-RD Congo (3), 28-Republic of Congo (3), 29-Togo (3), 30-Gambia (2,9), 31-Zimbabwe (2,9), 32-Tchad (2,8), 33-Comores (2,8), 34-Central African Republic (2,5), 35-Guinea-Bissau (2,5), 36-Sudan (2,4), 37-Eritrea (1,9), 38- South Sudan (1,9)

Famous among all the reports about Africa economy, The “Transparency International”agency also publishes annually the results of its investigations. Governments and businessmen dislike its reports because it lists the most corrupted countries in Africa and world wide. Here is the 2016 african classification out of 50 countries. In brackets, it is the position of the country in the world classification out of 179 countries. The order starts with the less corrupted and closes with the most corrupted.

1-Botswana is the less corrupted ( 35th ), 2-Cap Vert   ( 38th ), 3- Mauritius ( 50th ), 3- Rwanda  ( 50th ), 5-Namibia ( 53th ), 6-Sao-Tome & Principe ( 62th ), 7-Senegal ( 64th ) – 7-South Africa ( 64th ), 9-Ghana ( 70th ), 10-Burkina- Faso ( 72nd ), 11-Tunisia ( 75th ), 12-Lesotho ( 83rd ), 13-Zambia ( 87th ),   14-Liberia ( 90th ), 14-Morocco ( 90th ), 16-Benin ( 95th ), 17-Gabon ( 101rst ), 17-Niger ( 101rst ), 19-Côte d’Ivoire ( 108th ), 19-Ethiopia ( 108th ), 19-Algeria ( 108th ),  19-Egypt ( 108th ), 23- Mali ( 116th ),  23-Togo    ( 116th ), 26-Malawi ( 120th ), 27-Djibouti ( 123th ), 27-Sierra-Leone ( 123th ), 28-Nigeria ( 136th ), 29-Guinea ( 142nd ), 29-Mauritania ( 142nd ), 29-Mozambique              ( 142nd), 32- Cameroon ( 145th ), 32-Gambia ( 145th ), 32-Kenya ( 145th ),                  32-Madagascar ( 145th), 36-Uganda ( 151rst ), 37-Comores ( 153rd ), 38-Zimbabwe      ( 154th ), 39- RD Congo ( 156th ), 40- Burundi ( 159th ), 40-Central African Republic            ( 159th ), 40- Tchad ( 159th ), 40-Congo ( 159th ), 44-Angola ( 164th ), 44- Eritrea             ( 164th ), 46-Guinea Bissau ( 168th ) and the most corrupted in Africa 47-Libya ( 170th ),       47-Soudan ( 170th ), 49- South Sudan ( 170th ), and the worst 50-Somalia ( 176th ).

Now anyone can decide.

By Abu-Jahlil Astrid Chacha

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